

2024-2025. Mary Savage Snouffer Dissertation Fellowship, College of Arts and Humanities, University of Maryland, College Park (winner).


June 2024. “Artistic Considerations to Bearing Witness: Staged Performance of Holocaust Trauma.” To be presented at the Ninth International Conference of the International Network of Genocide Scholars in partnership with the USC Dornsife Center for Advanced Genocide Research. Los Angeles, CA.

October 2023. “Holocaust Memorialization in Mieczyslaw Weinberg’s Opera The Passenger.” Presented at the 48th Annual European Studies Conference. Omaha, Nebraska.

October 2023. “Artistic Considerations to Bearing Witness: Women in Staged Performance of Mieczyslaw Weinberg’s Opera The Passenger.” Presented as part of the panel “Approaching Trauma-Informed Research through Ethnomusicological Inquiry and Practice” sponsored by the SEM Section on the Status of Women at the 68th Annual Conference of the Society for Ethnomusicology. Ottawa, Canada.

September 2023. “Holocaust Opera as a Functional Memorial: A Case Study of The Passenger.” Presented at the National WWII Museum’s Jenny Craig Institute for the Study of War and Democracy Colloquium for Emerging Scholars in Holocaust Studies: “Confronting the Nazi Genocide: New Directions in Holocaust Studies.” New Orleans, LA.

April 2023. “Witness Bearing in Holocaust Musical Presentation: The ‘(un)readability’of Mieczyslaw Weinberg’s Opera The Passenger.” Presented at the American Musicological Society Capital Chapter Conference. College Park, MD.

March 2020. “The Perpetuation of Roma Racialization through “Gitano” Characterizations in Spanish Zarzuela.” Pesented at the Society for Ethnomusicology Mid-Atlantic Chapter Conference. Chapel Hill, NC.

April 2018. “William Walton’s Pursuit of Compositional Independence through the Three Songs from Edith Sitwell.” Finalist for the Irving Lowens Award. Presented at the American Musicological Society Capital Chapter Conference. Washington, D.C


June 2022. Towson, MD. “To Bear Witness: Holocaust Opera and the ‘Unreadable.’” Lesson plan published with Towson University’s Albert S. Cook Library Holocaust curriculum repository.


May, 2024. Opera Club lecture on The Passenger at North Oaks Senior Living with Opera Baltimore. Randallstown, MD.

March, 2024. Pre-opera lectures for Donizetti’s Elixir of Love with Annapolis Opera. Annapolis, MD.

July 2023. Pre-opera lectures for Gounod’s Faust with Wolf Trap Opera. Vienna, VA.

July 2023. Pre-opera lectures for Handel’s Semele with Wolf Trap Opera. Vienna, VA.

April 2023. Pre-opera panel discussion for Mozart’s Don Giovanni with the Maryland Opera Studio. College Park, MD.

March 2021. “We Must Bear Witness: Holocaust Commemoration in Opera.” Four-part digital lecture series taught at Opera Baltimore. Baltimore, MD.


April 2023. College Park, MD. Program note for Mozart’s Don Giovanni with the Maryland Opera Studio.